What is an “Ongoing Development and Support Agreement”?
In a nutshell, it is a time saver.
But its certainly not necessary for everyone. While Fine Mountain Consulting would LOVE to get all of our clients set up for ongoing development work, there are stipulations that most businesses need to meet to justify an ODSA.
- Laundry List of Development Initiatives – Many of the clients that work with Fine Mountain Consulting have taken to Knack like a duck to water. In other words, they have embraced the cloud-based rapid App Development environment for the majority of their business needs.
Typically our clients that meet this stipulation will have a list of development initiatives with little to zero time to actually develop and implement these Apps. - Good intentions with no time – With Knack, often times a single business need is fulfilled by creating a “stop gap” App in Knack. For example, One of our clients needed a Sales Portal simply to ease the need to travel with a laptop to client locations. So we built them a simple, mobile CRM. Time goes by and more and more Apps are requested as the power and convenience of Knack is adopted by the organization. So the hero that saved the day in the beginning by building a simple, mobile CRM is now having to do 2 jobs… Knack Development and Accounting.
FMC can step in at this point and provide the outsourced bandwidth to handle your organization’s requests for development, bugs and enhancements. We will build a request portal for your organization which will provide the infrastructure for these requests as well as management approvals and estimates. Did we mention, with an ODSA this portal is FREE OF CHARGE when your ODSA is 6 months or longer? Well, it is… - Mission Critical Apps – Often times we will see a simple “Stop Gap” App on Knack become a Business Critical component of a business. For example: A client of FMC recently witnessed that simple email notifications that were being triggered from their App had evolved into the sole communications means for which vendors were receiving their work order.
Once an App reaches this level of requirement, often times it is necessary to bring in a professional services firm like FMC to manage it for you. We can provide enterprise-level Professional Services to our Clients.

Do you meet any of these criteria?
It might be time to discuss an ODSA with us.