It’s not that Excel (or any spreadsheet program) isn’t a great spreadsheet program...
IT IS! The problem with it is that people use it for unintended purposes.
Here is where people go wrong…
- Too easy for stuff to get deleted – Often times what you see is that a spreadsheet is getting shared around throughout an organization. This is problematic in that the folks that you are sharing with and inadvertently delete formula cells, or rows entered by other individuals, or links between different pages… The bottom line is that Excel was not meant to be shared.With a cloud-based Knack App we can force and enforce workflows so that data entry and formula calculations are done programmatically so there is no chance of co-workers inadvertently deleting key information.
- Data Consolidation – If you have had the “pleasure” of consolidating data from external sources, then you can related to the frustration. If you haven’t had the pleasure… you are lucky! Just know that it SUCKS.With a Knack App, the data is gathered from sources either through forms that are filled out by constituents, or via an API. Either way, your data is automatically consolidated into a single App ready for analysis at any time.
- Stale Data – In short, realtime data is virtually impossible if you are consolidating data using spreadsheets. This Data Divergence starts when you begin getting the data consolidated into a single spreadsheet and by the time you are done doing that (weeks later often times…) there is new data that skews any forecast numbers you have generated.With a Knack App, Data is as “Realtime” as you need it to be. If you need to run daily analysis of the data, you can do so as it is already consolidated. No chance of the Stale Data scenario.
- Executive Reporting (Dashboards) – Excel is many things, but it is not a “scenario” or presentation tool. Giving a spreadsheet to your executive team so that it can run scenarios on say… revenue is not what Excel was intended to do.Fine Mountain Consulting can build Executive tools which will allow for the Executive team to slice and dice data to perform forecasting tasks. These can have a serious effect on the business and how the organization makes decisions.
- Audit Trails – Who did what when and why… that is a hard question to answer when you are using Excel.Fine Mountain Consulting can track the “who dun it” and report back in realtime reports.

Fine Mountain Consulting can talk to you about your requirements and review your spreadsheets.
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and we can set up a call to get a quote in your hands!